If there are too much scheduler jobs in an Oracle database, the CJQ process may die unexpectedly. This has nothing to do with job history, not, it’s the number of jobs known to the system. In my experience, the critical number is somewhere around 32.000 in 10.2 64bit. By the way, that’s the solution for this post here.
That’s a PL/SQL script to remove them subsequently, this example focuses on jobs of type ‘ONCE’ and a special user, but it should be no trouble to change the query on dba_scheduler_jobs in a way you need it for your situation.
set serveroutput on; DECLARE ANZAHL NUMBER(20); EXECSTRING VARCHAR(200); curs INTEGER; retu INTEGER; BEGIN dbms_output.enable (1000000); ANZAHL:=0; FOR X in ( select owner, job_name from dba_scheduler_jobs where schedule_type='ONCE' and OWNER = 'SCOTT' and PROGRAM_OWNER='SCOTT' and start_date < sysdate -8 ) loop ANZAHL:=ANZAHL+1; EXECSTRING:= X.OWNER||'.'||X.JOB_NAME; --dbms_output.put_line(EXECSTRING); dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name=>X.OWNER||'.'||X.JOB_NAME); end loop; END; /
Happy cleanup,