
Martin Klier


Martin Klier Oracle ACE

I feel VERY proud, honoured and grateful, that Oracle awarded me with the Oracle ACE in December 2014. The Oracle ACE program is a community reward, and encourages us to participate, enrich, promote and organise Oracle community events.


When speaking about the community, first of all I’d like to highlight my Oracle User Group of Germany, the DOAG (Deutsche Oracle Anwendergruppe). They are doing lots of nice, and educational things, lifting the fog, and practicing free and self-assured community work. Helping to spread this in our region, at conferences and events, is a pleasure. I’m very proud to be part of this great team.

A little less, due to the geographical distance, but with very similar motivation and experience, I feel connected and involved with the U.S. pendant IOUG (Independent Oracle Users Group). They are open for the international crowd, and it simply feels good to be there.

And I want to say thank you to three people, for all they do, think and say about me. These very special folks are Björn, Craig and Dietmar. I’m proud to call you friends.

My Oracle ACE program shipment just arrived today.
My Oracle ACE program shipment just arrived today.

Just in case somebody cares, here’s my Oracle ACE profile.

I hope to keep up the level, and will continuously try hard to find the time to give back knowledge to the community.

Martin Klier

Speaker at DOAG 2015 Datenbank – “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: InMemory Column Store”
Chemnitzer Linux Tage 2015

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