AWR is a great tool (but needs diagnostics pack). It can create very useful reports for performace analysis over a given period. Most people will pull the AWR Report from the OS level, with ‘@?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql” (or one of the other scripts there). But sometime it’s not possible to access a database server’s OS level, or gain permission to do so. So we also can create the whole bunch of possible AWR and ASH reports from SQL level, too. We can have it in text or HTML, it’s just a matter of personal taste. I always preferred the text version, but there are many facts pro HTML. Anyway, here is my cheat sheet how to do it, and the difference in RAC.
What we have to know
Our database ID (DBID):
select dbid from v$database;
The period we are interested in, spoken in snapshot IDs:
select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ * from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT order by snap_id desc, instance_number desc;
How to create an Oracle AWR report with SQL and PL/SQL
SELECT OUTPUT FROM TABLE (dbms_workload_repository.awr_report_text( l_dbid=>123456789, l_inst_num=>1, l_bid=>24142, l_eid=>24143 ) );
The return value comes in one column named “output”.
Global report for RAC
In Real Application Clusters, we need a special report, to get an overview over how the full system performed. For this purpose, Oracle supplied an own subprogram, delivering a different report style. I’m usually executing it like this:
SELECT output FROM TABLE (dbms_workload_repository.awr_global_report_text( l_dbid=>123456789, l_inst_num=>'', l_bid=>24142, l_eid=>24143, l_options=>0 ) );
Hope it helps
Martin Klier
PS: My lesson learned to type carefully, here.