Die largest Oracle Conference in Germany is DOAG Conference + Exhibition in November. It’s always the hotspot for the whois-who in the Oracle landscape. I had the chance to present three talks one of them with Axel vom Stein, Oracle ACE Pro, working with our valued customer BSS Bohnenberg, Solingen. Talks at DOAG 2024 Three talks, all […]
Category: Lectures
Talks, lectures e.g.
DOAG Database Conference 2015 begins #DOAGDB15
It’s time! June 16th, the DOAG Database Conference takes place in Düsseldorf, Van Der Valk Airport Hotel. Twenty-two specialized talks about Oracle Database, Replication, Tools and Security promise a great techie-day. See the schedule of lectures here. I’m looking forward to seeing you there, having great corner talks about Oracle, life and lemons, tweeting with […]
DOAG BI Conference: Oracle Core (for Beginners): In-Memory Column Store
On Thursday, April 23rd I’m speaking at DOAG BI 2015, the leading Oracle Business Intelligence Conference in Germany. (#DOAGBI15) My contribution is: “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: In-Memory Columns Store”. The lecture will show, how the Oracle Database In-Memory option works “under the hood”, and how it is used to the best effect. Please find the presentation […]
Speaker at DOAG 2015 Datenbank – “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: InMemory Column Store”
The DOAG 2015 Database conference is on the horizon: June 16, 2015 in Düsseldorf, Germany. I’m proud to announce my participation as a speaker, as I was honoured with in the years before. This year, my part will be a new “Beginners” talk in German: “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: InMemory Column Store” Abstract: ==================== Der Vortrag richtet […]
DOAG 2014 Presentation and Whitepaper online: Database I/O
Hi, my #DOAG2014 presentation and whitepaper are online now! “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O” Presentation: http://www.performing-databases.com/uploads/media/OracleCoreDatabaseIO-Klier-2014.pdf Whitepaper: http://www.performing-databases.com/uploads/media/Klier-Database-IO.pdf Thank you all for attending! Regards Martin Klier […]
Performance is rarely an accident (Deutsch)
Some time ago, I saw a great presentation of Cary Millsap: „Thinking clearly about performance”. It was obviously relevant for our internal developers, so he unhesistantly granted me permission to reproduce some of his ideas for us. Cary, thank you very much! Here you can see, what I made out of the topic, mostly for […]
Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O at DOAG 2014
Proud to announce, that DOAG accepted my tech talk “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O” for DOAG Conference 2014 in Nuremberg. It’s my next contribution to DOAGs thread aiming at beginners and part-time database people. The talk will be in German, here comes its abstract: Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O Wir kennen verschiedene I/O-Typen, […]
Slides for COLLABORATE 2014 IOUG forum talk #C14LV
Hi folks, here’s my slides for “YOUR machine and MY databases – a performing relationship?!” at Collaborate 2014 Las Vegas. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! 2014_141_Klier_odp_v1 2014_141_Klier_v1_doc Some pictures to come soon! You may want to follow the #C14LV hashtag to see what’s going on. 🙂 […]
DOAG Würzburg: “Resolving child cursor issues resulting in mutex waits”
I feel honored that DOAG asked me once more for being a speaker at an event – this time it’s DOAG Regionalgruppe Würzburg. I will give my (updated) C12LV and Oracle Open World 2012 talk “Resolving child cursor issues resulting in mutex waits” there, supported by my new business Performing Databases GmbH. My abstract: In […]
DOAG Database Conference Düsseldorf: “YOUR machine and MY database” was accepted
DOAG just informed me that my talk, “YOUR machine and MY database – a performing relationship!?” was accpeted for DOAG Database Conference Düsseldorf. Last year, the first Database Conference at Düsseldorf was a great success, I enjoyed it very much. I’m glad to be part of the speaker’s corps this year. Hope to see you […]
Speaking at COLLABORATE 14: “YOUR machine and MY database – a performing relationship!?”
I’m excited to announce that IOUG accepted my talk “YOUR machine and MY database – a performing relationship!?” for COLLABORATE 14 in Las Vegas. I’d love to see you there – for tech talk, gossip and meeting old and new friends! Abstract: Databases affect machines, machines affect databases. Optimizing one is pointless without knowing the […]
DOAG Presentation: Oracle Standard Edition RAC
Wednesday last week, I had a presentation for my regional Oracle Users Group (DOAG Regio Nürnberg). The month before I was asked to display the difference between Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition RACs. Here comes the presentation (German), for questions and suggestions just let me know. Stay highly available Martin Klier […]
DOAG Konferenz 2013: “Oracle Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger”
After speaking about mutex waits last year, this time DOAG accepted my lecture “Oracle Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger” about Oracle Database basic architecture for this year’s DOAG Konferenz 2013 in Nürnberg. It will be the first lesson in a brand-new stream of the conference: The so-called “Einsteigerpaket” (beginners package) allows […]
DOAG Webinar: ORACLE Datenbank Architektur – nicht nur für Einsteiger (German Language)
On Friday, 08/03/2013, I’ll present an online lecture about Oracle Architecture for the DOAG (Deutsche Oracle Anwendergruppe, German Oracle User’s Group) and the DOAG SIG Database. Link: http://www.doag.org/termine/termine.php?tid=454245 The lesson will contain (excerpt from TOC): Oracle Datenbank-Architektur Verbindung, Namespace(s) und Abschottung Instanz und Datenbank Alles Blöcke, oder was? Redo, Undo und was man […]
Speaking at Oracle OpenWorld 2012: “Resolving child cursor issues resulting in mutex waits”
On behalf of Klug GmbH integrierte Systeme and the IOUG, I will speak in the US for a second time this year: “Resolving child cursor issues resulting in mutex waits” at Oracle OpenWorld 2012 in San Francisco, Moscone Center. It’s Session UGF10573 (User Group Forums) Date and Time: Sunday, 9/30/12, 10:30 – 11:30 Venue / […]
Hi folks, thanks for attending my lesson! Here comes the paper and presentation. If there are further questions, feel free to contact me – email and stuff is in the documents. 2012_893_Whitepaper (pdf) 2012_893_Presentation (pdf) Regards Martin […]
Oracle: Example schema for my DB lectures
This is my example schema, basis for the DB tuning lectures. Please use your “save as” function or copy the URI to use wget. expdp_klm1.dmp.bz2 expdp_klm2.dmp.bz2 Regards Martin Klier […]
Lecture about Database Technology Basics at Augustinus Gymnasium Weiden
This year, I will talk again about basics of DB technology for 9th grade of AGW (Augustinus Gymnasium Weiden, a secondary school) again. The same event has been a success in the last years, and it’s simply nice there. Nice? Please allow me a word about this school. They have an engaged teacher, Klaus Märker, […]
Talk about Database Technology Basics at Berufsschule Wiesau
Once again, I will talk about an IT topic at Vocational School (Berufsschule) Wiesau. This year, it’s Basics of Database Technology (Grundlagen der Datenbanktechnik) for 11th and 12th-graders, who will become certified IT specialists for software development soon. Their certification is called “Fachinformatiker der Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung” in German. The paper for the talk is available […]
Talk: IT Performance
On Thuesday, March 24th, 2009 at 9 a.m. I will speak at Berufsschule Wiesau about general matters of IT performance. Papers and the presentation are available online now: Handout “IT-performance” Slides Regards Martin Klier EDIT: That’s a nice article about the event on the school’s webpage. Thanks! […]
“Basics of Database Technology” again
Tomorrow, there will be a version 2.0 of a lecture from last year, again for 9th-formers of Augustinus Weiden. The handout and the presentation are online now, we will see what Friday brings. Usn […]
Discovered openstreetmap for me
Hi, http://www.openstreetmap.org is a very cool project. Just discovered it for me, and spent the weekend with tracking and editing my hometown by car. Have a look here to see. I am using SportsTracker for my Nokia E90 and JOSM for the editing at home. Also checked for TrekBuddy on the phone to use a […]
Talk “Hope is not a strategy” at Vocational School Wiesau
Hi, there will be a talk about IT High Availability for rising IT professionals at Vocational IT School Wiesau on Monday, 10th of March 2008. The topic: “Hope is not a startegy” – IT high availability in theory and practical experience See paper and slides here. Regards Martin EDIT: There has been a nice press […]
Another lecture “Basics of database technology” in German
Tomorrow at 10 a.m. I’ll give a lecture about the “Basics of database technology” in German language for 9th-formers of Augustinus Grammar School in Weiden. See the handout and the presentation here. Regards Usn […]
Lecture “Highly available Communications Server” (Oracle Database) at DOAG conference 2007
Hi, I’ll give a lecture about high availability with Oracle RAC and Dataguard at DOAG Conference 2007 (annual conference of the German Oracle User’s Group). The talk will be in German. (“Ein hochverfügbarer Kommunikationsserver mit RAC, ASM, redundant shared media und DataGuard”) When? Thursday, November 22nd 2007 1300hrs Where? CCN CongressCenter Nürnberg Ost Messezentrum D-90471 […]
Lecture “Basics of database technology” in German
Hi, today I’ll give a lecture about the “Basics of database technology” in German language for our Linux User Group Mitterteich (http://lug-mitterteich.de.vu) See the Handout and the Block handling overview. Regards Usn […]