
Martin Klier


DOAG 2014 Presentation and Whitepaper online: Database I/O

Hi, my #DOAG2014 presentation and whitepaper are online now! “Oracle Core für Einsteiger: Datenbank I/O” Presentation: http://www.performing-databases.com/uploads/media/OracleCoreDatabaseIO-Klier-2014.pdf Whitepaper: http://www.performing-databases.com/uploads/media/Klier-Database-IO.pdf Thank you all for attending! Regards Martin Klier […]

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Oracle 12c InMemory – don’t stop thinking about performance

Oracle has released its new database version that includes the famous in-memory column store. InMemory option  promises a big advantage for OLAP-like work loads by keeping table contents in a columnar in-memory structure. InMemory is not new, they did that for decades, but the interesting part is “columnar”. There’s much writing about that on […]

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Oracle with In Memory Option available for Linux

As of today, the Oracle Database with InMemory Columnar Store is available at https://edelivery.oracle.com. According to the price list of July 10th, it will be sold as an option for Enterprise Edition (Exadata NOT mandatory), for US$ 23,000 per CPU (calculation like EE). Hope it will do well, beta demos were extremely impressive. Yours […]

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